Founders of the Belarusian National Republic (BNR) |
BODUNOVA Poluta (Pelageya) (1885-1939).
Photo 1919.
(BGAMLI, f. 372, d. 14) |
BURBIS Aleksandr (bel. Ales) (1885-1922).
Photo 1922.
(BGAKFFD, 0-110458) |
VORONKO Iosif (bel. Yazep) (1891-1952).
Photo 1918 (detail).
(BGAMLI, f. 3, op. 3, d. 136, l. 1) |
GRIB Tomash (1895-1938).
Photo 1923.
(BGAMLI, f. 403, op. 1, d. 69, l. 1) |
DOVNAR-ZAPOLSKY Mitrofan (1867-1934).
Photo 1926.
(BGAMLI, f. 500, op. 1, d. 585, l. 3) |
DUZH-DUSHEVSKY Klavdy (1891-1959).
Photo [1925].
(BGAMLI, f. 3, op. 1, d. 240, l. 4 ob.) |
YEZOVITOV Konstantin (1893-1946).
Photocopy. Photo. Gistoryia belaruskai dziarzhaunastsi u kantsy XVIII –
pachatku XXI st. Book 1. Minsk, 2011. P. 350.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on
Belarusian statehood in 1918-1920s) |
ZHAVRID Pavel (1889-1939).
Photo 1926.
(BGAMLI, f. 3 , op. 1, d. 249, l. 39) |
KARSKY Yefim (1861-1931).
Photo 1925.
(BGAKFFD, 0-138715) |
KONDRATOVICH Kiprian (1858-1932).
Photocopy. Photo. Gistoryia belaruskai dziarzhaunastsi u kantsy XVIII –
pachatku XXI st. Book 1. Minsk, 2011. P. 326.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on
Belarusian statehood in 1918-1920s) |
KRECHEVSKY Pyotr (1879-1928).
Photo 1918 (detail).
(BGAMLI, f. 3, op. 3, d. 136, l. 1) |
LASTOVSKY Vatslav (1883-1938).
Photo 1920.
(BGAKFFD, 0-166278) |
LYOSIK Iosif (bel. Yazep) (1884-1940).
Photo 1920.
(BGAKFFD, 0-166282) |
LUTSKEVICH Anton (1884-1946/1942).
Photo 1930.
(BGAKFFD, 0-166287) |
“The apostle of the national revival”.
Publication by V. Mikhnyuk, N. Klimovich, A. Ges containing testimony given
by A. Lutskevich in 1939 in Vilno in the NKVD investigatory ward, other
documents on his arrest, the authors’ commentaries.
Printed (with photocopies of archival records). Magazine
“Neman”. 1995. № 1. P. 127-166.
(BGAMLI, library) |
LUTSKEVICH Ivan (1881-1919).
Photo [1910s] (detail).
(BGAMLI, f. 323, op. 1, d. 231) |
MAMONKO Iosif (bel. Yazep) (1889-1937).
Photocopy. Photo. Gistoryia belaruskai dziarzhaunastsi u kantsy XVIII –
pachatku XXI st. Book 1. Minsk, 2011. P. 341.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on
Belarusian statehood in 1918-1920s) |
PRUSHINSKY Aleksandr (pen name Ales
(BGAKFFD, 0-166194) |
Ales Garun (A. Prushinsky) “My recollections”.
Printed. Magazine “Belaruski stsiag”. 1922. № 1. P. 19-21. Belarusian.
(BGAMLI, library) |
SEREDA Ivan (bel. Yan, Yanka) (1879-1943).
Photo 1918 (detail).
(BGAMLI, f. 3, op. 3, d. 136, l. 1) |
SKIRMUNT Roman (1868-1939).
Photocopy. Photo. Gistoryia belaruskai dziarzhaunastsi u kantsy XVIII –
pachatku XXI st. Book 1. Minsk, 2011. P. 303.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on
Belarusian statehood in 1918-1920s) |
SMOLICH Arkady (1891-1938).
Photo 1921.
(BGAMLI, f. 3, op. 3, d. 51, l. 1) |
TARASHKEVICH Bronislav (1892-1938).
Photo before 1933.
(BGAKFFD, 0-55405) |
TSVIKEVICH Aleksandr (1888/1883-1937).
Photo [1930].
Photocopy. Printed. Magazine “Maladosts”. 1993. № 1. P. 212.
(BGAMLI, library) |
“Aleksandr Tsvikevich: “The liquidation of the BNR was not
a maneuver…”, “A visit to Pilsudski”.
Publication by E. Lipetsky and V. Mikhnyuk, containing A. Tsvikevich’s
testimony given in 1930 at the trial of the Union of Liberated Belarus, the
authors’ comments.
Printed (with photocopies of archival records). Magazine “Maladosts”.
1993. № 1. P. 211-240. Belarusian, Russian.
(BGAMLI, library)
Founders of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Belarus (SSRB) |
ADAMOVICH Iosif (1896-1937).
(BGAKFFD, 0-94056) |
GOLODED Nikolay (1894-1937).
Photocopy. Photo. Gistoryia belaruskai dziarzhaunastsi u kantsy XVIII –
pachatku XXI st. Book 1. Minsk, 2011. P. 461.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on
Belarusian statehood in 1918-1920s) |
DYLO Iosif (bel. Yazep) (1880-1973).
Photo 1929.
(BGAMLI, f. 229, op. 1, d. 159, l. 1) |
Protection certificate from the Plenipotentiary
Representation of the SSRB to the RSFSR issued to former member of the SSRB
government I. Dylo in view of his great service in strengthening the Soviet
power, his transfer to government service in Minsk, and the donation of his
personal library to Belarusian government institutions.
Moscow. 6 April 1921.
Manuscript on official letterhead.
(BGAMLI, f. 53, op. 1, d. 276, l. 11-11 ob.) |
ZHILUNOVICH Dmitry (pen name Tishka Gartny)
Photo 1918.
(BGAKFFD, 0-94074) |
“My mistakes and their roots”.
Application of D. Zhilunovich to the TsK KP(b)B of 13 December 1929 printed
in the newspaper “Zvezda”.
20 December 1929.
Printed. Belarusian.
(BGAMLI, f. 3, op. 1, d. 65, l. 115) |
Certificate of the termination of the D. Zhilunovich
criminal case issued by the BSSR Prosecutor’s Office.
22 October 1955.
Typescript on printed form.
(BGAMLI, f. 15, op. 1, d. 98, l. 1) |
Materials for the rehabilitation of D. Zhilunovich
prepared in 1955 by the TsK KPB Party Archives of the History Institute.
Photocopy. Typescript, printed.
(BGAMLI, f. 15, op. 1, d. 101, l. 1-4) |
KNORIN (original Knorinsh) Vilgelm (1890-1938).
Photo 1918-1920.
(BGAKFFD, 0-75515) |
LANDER Karl (1883-1937).
Photocopy. Photo. Illustrirovannaya khronologiya istorii Belarusi. Minsk,
2000. P. 226.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on
Belarusian statehood in 1918-1920s) |
MOLOKOVICH Prokop (1895-1937).
Photo before 1937.
(BGAKFFD, 0-89206) |
MYASNIKOV (original Myasnikyan) Aleksandr (1886-1925).
Photo 1919.
(BGAKFFD, 0-53983) |
STASHEVSKY (Stashevsky-Stasevich) Aleksandr (1889-1938).
Photo 1936.
(BGAKFFD, 0-73800) |
KHATSKEVICH Aleksandr (1895-1937).
Photocopy. Photo. Gistoryia belaruskai dziarzhaunastsi u kantsy XVIII –
pachatku XXI st. Book 1. Minsk, 2011. P. 460.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on
Belarusian statehood in 1918-1920s) |
CHERVYAKOV Aleksandr (1892-1937).
Photo 1922.
(BGAKFFD, 0-118411) |