Film lectures within the framework of the «Open Film Archive» project for schoolchildren in the city of Vileyka were held by employees of the institu-tion «Zonal State Archive in Molodechno»

Employees of the department for the use and publication of documents of the Zonal State Archive in Molodechno held film lectures for students of general secondary education on the basis of the Vileika Museum of Local Lore. The museum was visited by students from the State Institution «Vileya Gymnasium No. 1 «Logos» and the State Institution «Vileya Re-gional Center for Additional Education of Children and Youth». Before the screening of the documentary film «Liberation,» the archivists introduced the children to the main stages of the liberation of the territory of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, and talked about the decision of the Head of State on the preparations for the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the libera-tion of Belarus and Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The archivists em-phasized that currently the only repository of audiovisual documents in the Republic of Belarus is the Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo, and Sound Documents, which, within the framework of the «Open Film Ar-chive» project, produced short documentaries on the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders and the labor feat of the Belarusian people in post-war restoration of the national economy.


1. Head of the Department of Use and Publication of Documents E.A. Tomkovic during a press release for the documentary«Liberation».
2. Archivist O.N. Berezovskaya during a press release for the documentary film «Liberation».
3. Students of the State Educational Institution «Vileya Gymnasium No. 1 «Logos» during watching the documentary «Liberation».
4. Students of the State Educational Institution «Vileisky District Center for Additional education of children and youth» while watching the documentary film «Liberation».