Presentation of the illustrated collection of documents «Operation «Bagration». Partisans of Belarusian land…»

On June 22, 2024, on the Day of memory and sorrows, the presntation of the book «Operation «Bagration». Partisans of Belarusian land…» took place in the Brest Hero memorial complex, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders.

This publication was implemented as part of the project of the library of the Union State. The archivists of the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus (NARB), the Belarusian State Archives of Films, Photographs and Sound Recordings, the Belarusian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation, Russian colleagues from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation took a direct part in the preparation of this collection.

Particular attention in the book pays the history of the Belarusian partisan movement. During the years of occupation, more than 374 thousand Belarusian partisans opposed the invaders, undermined enemy echelons with equipment and ammunition, and produced valuable intelligence information. The book includes a significant number of previously unpublished archival documents: orders, orders, directives, encryption telegrams, radiograms, plans, reports, reports. The basis of the book was documents from the Foundation of the Belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement, as well as materials from the «partisan» funds stored in NARB.

In a welcoming speech, the Secretary of State of the Union State D.F.Mezentsev noted that at present there is a purposeful policy of rewriting historical truth against Belarus and Russia. In this regard, the publication of such a collection of documents is a significant contribution to the preservation of historical truth.

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council K.I.Kosachev spoke about the recently starting project «Memory train». 145 schoolchildren are attended by the winners of the Olympiads and competitions on the topics of the Great Patriotic War who have successfully passed the selection, from Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation A.Yu.Kuznetsova noted the great importance and significance of the presented publication for the patriotic education of the young generation.

Assistant to the President of the Republic of Belarus – inspector in the Brest region V.P.Vakulchik noted the high scientific level of the presented collection. He pointed out the importance of using archival materials in the fight against attempts to falsify history.

Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus O.N.Kot noted a large role of archives in the popularization of historical truth, and the Deputy Director of the Department for Archives and Basement A.E.Tsetkov emphasized the importance of interaction in the publishing projects of the Union State and Archival institutions.


1. S.V.Kulinok, A.K.Demyanyuk, O.N.Kot and A.E.Tsetkov in Brest.
2. V.P.Vukulchik, D.F.Mesentsev and A.Yu.Kuznetsov during the presentation of the collection of documents.
3. Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus O.N.Kot.