The twenty-fifth issue of the Belarusian Archaeographic Yearbook has been published by BelNIIDAD

It contains articles on archeography, archival science, source studies, and the history of archival and scientific institutions in Belarus. The publications cover documents on the history of Belarusian archives from the late 16th to early 16th centuries. The publications include reports presented at the round table with international participation, «200th Anniversary of Belarusian Archeography», which was dedicated to the publication in 1824 of a collection of documents, «The Belarusian Archive of Ancient Letters», prepared by the Gomel Archpriest Fr. Ioann (Grigorovich).

The yearbook is intended for archeographers, archivists, historians, local historians, and philologists.

For questions about purchasing the publication, please contact BelNIIDAD at the following address: Minsk, Kropotkina St., 55, off. 15. Tel./Fax: 363-02-05. You can also contact us by e-mail:

The price of the publication without shipping is 10 rubles 58 kopecks, with postal shipping – 14 rubles 36 kopecks.

Account number for purchase: BY67 BLBB 3632 0100 1292 3000 1001 in the State Opera and Ballet Department of OJSC Belinvestbank of Minsk, code BLBBBY2X, UNP 100129230.


Belarusian Archaeographic Yearbook