The «Archives for School» campaign for students of the State Educational Institution «Secondary School No.1 of Baranovichi named after S.I.Gritsevets»

As part of the «Archives for School» campaign, on March 25, 2025, the zonal state archive in Baranovichi was visited by 7th-grade students of the State Educational Institution «Secondary School No.1 of Baranovichi named after S.I.Gritsevets». The students were told about the history of the archive in Baranovichi, the documents stored in the state archive and the forms of their use, they were introduced to documents containing information about the damage caused by the Nazi invaders during the temporary occupation of the Baranovichi region in 1941-1944.

They were also introduced to the YouTube channel of the Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo, and Sound Documents, where they watched videos. Based on the information received, an interactive session with the children was conducted using artificial intelligence (about the work of an archivist).

At the end of the lesson, a tour of the archive was conducted, where the students were told about the conditions for ensuring the safety of documents.


1. Watching a video from the BGAKFFD YouTube channel
2-3. In the archive