«Archives for School»: classes with students of the educational institution «Mogilev State Medical College»

From March 17 to 21, 2025, as part of the «Archives for School» campaign and the pilot project «Young Archivist», a series of nine classes were held with students of the educational institution «Mogilev State Medical College». Employees of the institution «State Archives of the Mogilev Region» presented a banner exhibition «Again, let’s look closer to the past», created on the basis of archival documents and photographs from the funds of the institution «Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo, and Sound Documents» (Dzerzhinsk).

On the eve of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory, students were able to learn about the period of the Great Patriotic War in the history of Mogilev, filled with both heroic and tragic events. A separate part of the exhibition illustrates the post-war restoration of the regional center and the participation of citizens in this process. Also during the events, students were shown documentaries «Operation Bagration» and «Partisan Republic», prepared by the institution «Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo, and Sound Documents» (Dzerzhinsk).

Archival documents, photographs and newsreels aroused keen interest among students, allowing them to expand their knowledge of the history of the city and the country.

Archivists also talked about the specifics of their work, the types of documents stored in the institution «State Archive of the Mogilev Region».

Students were able to ask all their questions and receive comprehensive answers from the archive staff.


1. Presentation of a banner exhibition to students of the educational institution «Mogilev State Medical College».
2. Students watching a documentary.
3. Acquaintance with archival documents and photographs placed at the banner exhibition.