Group screening of the film «Cultural Code» by BelNITsED employees

On the eve of National Unity Day, on September 12, 2024, the Belarus cinema hosted the premiere screening of the film «Cultural Code» for employees of the State Institution «BelNITsED» and other employees of the Ministry of Justice, bodies and organizations of the Ministry of Justice system. The plot of the film is aimed at popularizing the state symbols of the Republic of Belarus.

According to the plot, two students of the final year of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts – cameraman Vanya and television director Liza – receive a creative assignment from the course master. Their diploma work should be a documentary about the state symbols of Belarus.

During the filming, the guys not only learn about the history and meaning of national symbols, but also realize their importance for the Belarusian people. The film has a short duration – 36 minutes. Even during this time, the director and other team members managed to combine a fictional storyline, documentary clippings and a social survey in one film.

Any country popularizes its symbols. Today, these are the kinds of films that are shown to young people, reminding the entire Belarusian people what our Coat of Arms, Flag and Hymn.

In the photo: Employees of the Belarusian Research Center for Electronic Documentation in the foyer of the Belarus Cinema before watching a film