On visiting the exhibition dedicated to the Day of National Unity by the employees of the institution «State Archive of Public Associations of the Mogilev Region»

On September 12, 2024, as part of the celebration of September 17 – National Unity Day of the Republic of Belarus, employees of the institution «State Archive of Public Associations of the Mogilev Region» visited the thematic exhibition «September 17 – National Unity Day» in the Mogilev Regional Library named after V.I. Lenin, where articles and books on this topic were widely presented.

On September 17, 2024, Belarus celebrates the holiday – National Unity Day for the 4th time. September 17, 2021 was the first National Unity Day in the history of Belarus. Decree No. 206 on the celebration of September 17, 2021 as National Unity Day was signed by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on June 7, 2021. The holiday is dedicated to the anniversary of the Polish campaign of the Red Army (September 17, 1939), which resulted in the Reunification of the western and eastern lands of Belarus (then the BSSR). On September 17, 1939, the Red Army performed an act of historical justice, returning a significant part of the Belarusian lands with the original Belarusian people, divided against their will under the terms of the Riga Peace Treaty, to the bosom of their native country.


1. Archive and library staff at the exhibition «September 17 – National Unity Day».
2. Exhibits of the exhibition.
3. Exhibits of the exhibition.
4. Exhibits of the exhibition.