17th international scientific and practical conference, Documentation in Information Society: International Practice in Records Management, Moscow, 25-26 November
The 17th international scientific and practical conference “Documentation in Information Society: International Practice in Records Management” took place in Moscow, Russia, on 25-26 November 2010.
The conference was organized by the Federal Archival Agency of Russia and the Russian Research Institute of Records Management and Archival Science with the participation of the Russian State University for the Humanities, the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists.
The participants at the conference were specialists in records management and archival business from the federal and regional institutions in Russia as well as foreign representatives from Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine and Finland. The Belarusian side was represented by A. E. Rybakov, Director at the Belarusian Research Institute of Records Management and Archival Science.
- The conference discussed the following issues:
- Formation of state policy in information and records management in government;
- Development of normative and legal base in information and records management in e-Government;
- International standards of records management;
- Realization of interdepartmental electronic recorkeeping in e-Government;
- Electronic signature and legally valid electronic recordkeeping;
- Practices of implementing the e-Government concept;
- Electronic public services;
- Provision of public access to government information;
- Professional training and development in implementing the projects of information and records management in e-Government.
- Development of normative and legal base in information and records management in e-Government;