Participation of the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus in the presentation of the exhibition «Feats and Fates of Partisans» as part of the «Unity Marathon»

From January 20 to 26, 2025, in Minsk, as part of the social and cultural event «Unity Marathon», a traveling exhibition «Feats and Fates of Partisans in Documents» was presented. This is a joint project of the Publishing House «SB. Belarus Today», the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter – NARB) and the Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo, and Sound Documents. The project tells the history of the partisan struggle through the prism of the biographies of its participants.

Throughout the week, NARB employees provided information support for the exhibition project. Experienced archive workers S.A.Sivets and V.P.Garmatny, as well as young specialists and employees of NARB, members of the ideological activists and primary organizations of the ROO «Belaya Rus» and BRSM U.A.Kolobaeva, O.L.Krukovskaya, T.V.Petyukevich, Yu.S.Veremeychik and T.I.Brileva took part in this work.

On weekends, information support for the exhibition was provided by the NARB management – the director of the archive A.K.Demyanyuk and deputy directors of the archive E.A.Stukanova and S.V.Kulinok.

Visitors to the exhibition studied the presented documents and photographs with interest, asked questions, and used the opportunity to find information about their heroic ancestors in the database of the Internet portal «Partisans of Belarus». Currently, the Publishing House «SB. Belarus Today, together with NARB, digitized more than one and a half million pages of archival documents and placed 227 thousand names of participants in the partisan and underground movement and information about them in the database.

The exhibition received wide coverage in the national media. It was visited by thousands of concerned citizens, as well as hundreds of schoolchildren, including children from the sponsored Gymnasium No.21 in Minsk.


1. Head of the Publications Department of NARB U.A.Kolobaeva with visitors of the exhibition
2. Leading archivist of the Documents and Information Use Department of NARB V.P.Garmatny with visitors of the exhibition
3. Director of NARB A.K.Demyanyuk gives an interview to the media
4. Deputy Director of NARB S.V.Kulinok with students of Gymnasium No.21 in Minsk
5. Deputy Director of NARB S.V.Kulinok with visitors of the exhibition
6. Heads of NARB A.K.Demyanyuk, E.A.Stukanova and S.V.Kulinok at the exhibition