On the holding of an information hour on the topic «On the work of the NAF formation department» by employees of the institution «Zonal State Archive in Orsha» within the framework of the pilot project «Young Archivist»

On October 10, 2024, within the framework of the project «Young Archivist» with students of the 8th «A» class of the state educational institution «Secondary School No. 8 in Orsha», the leading archivist of the department of formation of the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Belarus of the State Archive in Orsha Svetlana Kozhanova held an information hour on the topic «On the work of the NAF formation department».

As part of this event, the children got acquainted with the specifics of the work of the NAF formation department, with the terms «Nomenclature of cases», «Instructions for office work», «Sources of archival acquisition», etc. The children’s attention was presented with control cases of organizations, sources of archival acquisition.

The participants of the event consolidated the acquired knowledge in the practical part on compiling the nomenclature of cases.

In addition, the children were shown the film «Reunification», prepared by the institution «Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo, and Sound Documents».