On visiting a book exhibition dedicated to the Day of the Elderly by employees of the institution «State Archive of Public Associations of the Mogilev Region»

On October 1, 2024, employees of the institution «State Archive of Public Associations of the Mogilev Region» visited a book exhibition dedicated to the Day of the Elderly in the Mogilev Regional Library named after V.I. Lenin.

Since 1992, the Day of the Elderly has been celebrated in the Republic of Belarus every year on October 1. Elderly people are our pride, our treasure. At one time, they worked for the benefit of their country and society, for the sake of their children and grandchildren, leaving a legacy of rich experience and wisdom to generations. Protecting the rights and legitimate interests of older citizens, supporting their social status and ensuring active longevity are the most important components of the state social policy of the Republic of Belarus. In the foyer of the regional library, regulatory and legal documents of the Republic of Belarus on the topic of medical and social services for the elderly are presented. Books with useful tips are posted: how to remain energetic, creatively active, healthy, youthful, and long-lived in old age. New fiction and periodicals, handicraft guides and other activities for the soul are presented.

Every year, the archive staff congratulates veterans of the archival industry on the Day of the Elderly and the upcoming Archivist Day, sending them greeting cards with warm words of gratitude for their contribution to the archival industry.

In the photo: Exhibits of the exhibition.