On the occasion of City Day and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Molodechno, a documentary exhibition «Winning Archivists» was presented

On July 5, 1944, troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front under the command of General Chernyakhovsky with the participation of the Frunze partisan brigades «For Soviet Belarus» was liberated from German fascist invaders the city of Molodechno. There are practically no eyewitnesses left to those events. Evidence is provided, in particular, by archival documents stored in the zonal archive.

People of different professions fought for the Great Victory. Strength lay in unity. Molodechno archivists also made their contribution to achieving peace. At the exhibition stands there are photographs of archivists who participated in the Great Patriotic War, personal personnel records, autobiographies, questionnaires, information about the front and labor paths.

The archives proudly remember Nadezhda Adamovna Karnilova, from September 1944 to October 1982, she worked at the Branch of the State Archive of the Minsk Region in Molodechno. Since September 1944, she held the position of head of the general funds department of the State Archive; in April 1965, she was transferred to the position of senior custodian of funds of the group for ensuring the safety of documents and funds. From December 1942 to July 1944 she was a partisan of the Elusive partisan detachment of the brigade named after. Prudnikova. She served in the rank of private. Awarded the medal «For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945».

Korbut Iosif Pavlovich from September 1970 to February 1975 worked in the branch of the State Archive of the Minsk Region in Molodechno. In March 1970, he was assigned to the position of senior researcher in the department of departmental archives and examination; in September 1980, he was transferred to the economic group to the position of junior researcher. In service in the active army – from June 1941 to February 1961. In the period from October 1942 to July 1944 – Commander of the operational-sabotage group of the special-purpose partisan detachment of the KGB of the BSSR. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, the Red Star, the medals «Partisan of the Great Patriotic War», «For Military Merit», «For the Capture of Koenigsberg» and six anniversary awards.

Egor Mikhailovich Matvienko looks proudly from the photograph. He worked at the Branch of the State Archive of the Minsk Region in Molodechno from March 1965 to January 1980. He came to the position of inspector, in April 1965 he became a junior researcher in the department of departmental archives for examination and acquisition, in August 1965 he was transferred to the position of senior researcher in the same department. In March 1969 he received the position of archivist. From July 1941 to March 1945 he was in the active army. He served with the rank of lieutenant in units of the 1st Belorussian Front. He was awarded the medals «For Victory in Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945», «For the Capture of Koenigsberg», «For Military Merit» and six anniversary medals.

And Novikov Alexander Ivanovich worked in the archive from 1959 – 1969. Since 1959 he was the head of the reading room, then a restorer. He served in the active army from 1941 to 1945 as a political worker. Liberated Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Austria. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree, Red Star and 8 medals.

The exhibition «Winning Archivists» complemented the general exhibition reflecting the stages of the liberation of the city of Molodechno and demonstrated a striking example of the courage and perseverance of fellow countrymen.


Head of the Department for the Use and Publication of Documents E.A. Tomkovich and Archivist R.V. Stupakov
Fragment of the exhibition
Archive staff familiarize themselves with exhibition materials
Archive staff familiarize themselves with exhibition materials
Fragment of the exhibition