Conducting a concert program «Saint Peramogi Day», using the BGAKFFD chronicle, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders and the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus

Conducting the concert program «The Day of Saint Peramogi», using the BGAKFFD chronicle, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders and the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus at the Belarusian State Academic Musical Theater. The concert program is composed of the best songs by Belarusian authors dedicated to the Great Victory.

BGAKFFD provided 2 hours of film materials for the concert. Guests saw a performance by folk artists, which was accompanied by archive newsreels.

The concert program and newsreel reminded the audience of the past days of the tragedy, so that everyone could thank those who gave us a peaceful life.


Program of the festive concert «The Day of Saint Peramogi»
List of performers at the festive concert «Den of St.Peramogi»