A military cartoon from the personal collection of S.Kh. Dolmatov was presented by the State Archive of the Vitebsk Region at the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Belarus during the Great Patriotic War: History and Modernity (to the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Belarus)» at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

On June 25-26, the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Belarus during the Great Patriotic War: History and Modernity (to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus)» was held at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Among the sectional reports, there was a speech by Tatyana Buevich, Deputy Director of the State Archive of the Vitebsk Region, «Humor and satire as one of the forms of information warfare in the turning point year of 1942.» When writing the report, materials from their personal fund were used by S.Kh. Dolmatov (during the Great Patriotic War – a front-line tanker, and in the post-war period – an art critic, professor at Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov).

The photo shows humorous pictures and caricatures of Soviet artists during the Great Patriotic War.