In Vitebsk, a meeting of archivists took place with the head of the committee for archives of the Nizhny Novgorod region, candidate of philological sciences Boris Pudalov

Deputy head of the department of state registration of commercial (non-profit) organizations, legal examination and organization of the work of archival institutions of the main department of justice of the Vitebsk regional executive committee Oksana Pashkevich and director of the State Archive of the Vitebsk region Tatyana Svistunova met on 06/26/2024 with a participant in the XI Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia – head of the committee on affairs archives of the Nizhny Novgorod region, candidate of philological sciences Boris Pudalov.

Together they discussed the structure of the archives, their human resources, publishing activities and others.

The meeting participants also exchanged printed publications created by Vitebsk and Nizhny Novgorod archivists.