On conducting excursions and lessons for schoolchildren in Brest in the State Archive of the Brest Region

As part of the events dedicated to the celebration of the International Day (International Week) of Archives, as well as within the framework of the «Archives to School» campaign, in the period from June 5 to 12, the State Archive of the Brest Region was visited by five groups of students in grades 5-8 of summer camps of secondary schools No. 14, No. 16 and No. 17 Brest.

During the visits, employees of the department for the use and publication of documents gave the children sightseeing tours of the archive, including a visit to the archive storage and the laboratory for the repair and restoration of archival documents, during which they introduced the children to the profession of an archivist.

To consolidate the information received by the children, lessons were conducted in a playful way. The children enjoyed solving puzzles, solving word puzzles related to archival topics, and also took part in the quiz «How well do you know the history of Brest?» The most active participants received sweet prizes.


Photo 1. Employee of the department of use and publication of documents Sukharevich O.V. tells students of secondary school No. 17 about the profession of an archivist
Photo 2. In the laboratory for the repair and restoration of documents
Photo 3. Students of secondary school No. 14 solve a fillword
Photo 4. Students of secondary school No. 17 solve puzzles
Photo 5. Students of secondary school No. 16 actively participate in the game