Baranovichi» took part in the opening of the alley of Baranovichi writers «Book Row about the War»

May 7, 2024 in the central city library named after V.Tavlaya opened the alley of Baranovichi writers «Book Row about the War». Poets and prose writers of the Baranovichi land, students of the Baranovichi Technological College and Baranovichi College of Mechanical Engineering, as well as participants in a quiz dedicated to the liberation of the city were invited to the solemn event dedicated to Victory Day. An exhibition prepared by the State Archives together with the library has opened for exhibition. Director of the State Archive Olga Ivanovna Shershen took part in this solemn event, at which poets, prose writers, and musicians performed, whose works were dedicated to the theme of the Great Patriotic War.


1. Deputy of the House of Representatives P.I.Popko
2. Poet Yuri Mazalevich
3. Poetess Tatyana Smolyak
4. Joint exhibition of the state archive and library
5. Event participants