A presentation of a book, The Prague Spring and the International Crisis 1968 at the Russian State Archives of Contemporary History, 2 June 2010

A two-volume book “The Prague Spring and the International Crisis 1968” was presented to the public at the Russian State Archives of Contemporary History (RGANI) on 2 June 2010. The book was prepared as part of the international research project. The first volume is an edition of documents, including records from the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus; the second includes articles on the subject.

The speakers at the presentation were RGANI’s director N.G. Tomilina, chief of the Federal Archival Agency of Russia A.N. Artizov, director at the Austrian Boltzmann Institute for Research on War Consequences S. Karner, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Austria to Russia М. Klestil-Loffler, director at the History Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.O. Chubaryan, and rector at the Russian State University of the Humanities E.I. Pivovar.

Among the participants at the presentation was the director of the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus, V.D. Selemenev.