On Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus, employees of the institution «Zonal State Archives in Molodechno» took part

in festive events Employees of the institution «Zonal State Archives in Molodechno», representing the activists of the Molodechno district organization of the Belarusian trade union of government workers and other institutions, took part in festive events dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus.

A rally dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of our country from the Nazi invaders took place at the mass grave of Soviet soldiers, partisans, party and Soviet workers. A funeral litany was also held at the memorial, during which those present prayerfully paid tribute to the memory of the war heroes who, with their lives, won freedom for our Fatherland. After which they honored the heroes with a minute of silence and laid flowers at the foot of the monument.

Then a column, which included representatives of the vertical power structure, the deputy corps, public associations, and city residents, marched in a festive procession to the monument to the liberating heroes

in Victory Park, where rally participants also bowed their heads in a minute of silence in front of the memorial. The event ended with a flower laying ceremony.

All day long holiday celebrations were held in the central part of the city and thematic areas, some of the sites have been prepared using archival documents of the Zonal State Archives Molodechno.


1. During the rally
2. District leadership and deputy corps
3. Employees of the zonal archive represented the trade union of government agencies and other organizations at the rally
4. Rally at a mass grave in Molodechno
5. Flower laying ceremony
6. Celebratory salvoes in honor of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders
7. Festive procession
8. Director of the archive I.Z.Pudakevich and archivist R.V.Stupakov