Genealogical records for Kamenets District, 1941 – 1944

State Archives of Brest Region

Territorial unit Name of record Date of record Fond/Inventory number File number
The whole district Lists of the district’s residents shot or hanged by the Nazis; lists of  persons sent to Germany 1941 – 1944 514/1 151
Dmitrovichi selsovet Lists of soldiers perished during World War 2 and buried in the selsovet’s territory 1944 1059/1 1
Ogorodniki selsovet Lists of soldiers perished during World War 2 and buried in the selsovet’s territory 1944 1059/1 1
Vidomlia selsovet Lists of soldiers perished during World War 2 and buried in the selsovet’s territory 1944 1059/1 1