Personal collections of the researchers of the history of the Great Patriotic War

Kaminsky Nikolai Ivanovich – NARB, fond 311, 817 items, 1884-1992

Information about the Red Army corps, armies and divisions which fought in Belarus, about Partisan formations and underground organizations, about the combat, diversionary and political activities of the Partisan and underground leaders, and the Red Army officers and generals, about combat operations of the Dnepropetrovsk, Pinsk and Pripyat flotillas; historical chronology of 1941-1944. Book cards and name cards of the participants of World War II. Leaflets; Soviet and Occupation periodicals. Letters of S. Stankevich; personal papers of P. S. Simonenko, the former Soviet POW, who voluntarily joined the German Army. Press-clippings and extracts from the newspapers and magazines about the war and its participants.


NARB – National Archives of the Republic of Belarus