Conversation with the staff of the State Archives on the topic of «High-tech crimes»

On March 26, 2025, the investigator of the procedural control department of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus for the Gomel Region, Elena Nikolaevna Afanasyeva, held a conversation with the staff of the state archive on the topic of «High-tech crimes».

Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in crimes in the high-tech sphere, including those related to the theft of funds through the use of the capabilities of the global computer network Internet, as well as information and communication technologies. Elena Nikolaevna noted the reorientation of attackers from one method of theft to another, revealed the concepts of phishing and vishing, and also focused on the rules for safe use of the Internet, protection of personal information and funds from theft.

In order to protect yourself and your funds from the actions of fraudsters, you must:

– Report suspicious calls to the police!

– Do not trust strangers on the phone and do not agree to dubious transactions for the transfer of money!

At the end of the meeting, Elena Nikolaevna also reminded about corruption offenses and compliance with anti-corruption legislation.


1. E.N.Afanasenko during the meeting.
2. The team during the meeting.