BGAMLI attended the opening of Alexander Truskovsky’s exhibition at the National Center for Contemporary Arts

«[Ne]asabistae pytanne» – under this title, the first solo exhibition of Alexander Truskovsky, an artist, participant of numerous national and international exhibitions, head of the stained glass workshop of the St.Elisabeth Convent in Minsk, opened on December 20, 2024 at the National Center for Contemporary Arts (3 Nekrasov St.). At the invitation of the organizers – partners of the Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art – the event was attended by the head of the department of scientific description of personal documents Olga Shatalova.

The exhibition occupies several halls, where Alexander Truskovsky’s glass works are combined with video and sound accompaniment, from stationary art objects they are transformed into elements of the installation. The visitor finds himself in a world of artistic fantasy and a unique worldview. As art critic Olesya Inozemtseva noted, earlier in Belarus working with glass was a pure example of decorative and applied art, but in the work of Alexander Truskovsky it turned into real high art.

We thank our partner for the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of such an extraordinary artist! We inform everyone else that the exhibition will last until February 16, 2025.


1. Opening of the exhibition «[In]sufficiently tried» (author Aleksandr Truskovsky, curator Dzina Danilovich, director Alesya Inozemtseva)
2. Volha Shatalava and Dzina Danilovich in one of the exhibition halls
3. Aleksandr Truskovsky. Tryptsikh «Prytsyazhenne» (school, 2024)
4. Alexander Truskoski. «Isnast» (school, 2023)