On the implementation of the republican action «Archives-school» in the Belarusian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation

On November 13, 2024, as part of the republican campaign «Archives-School», the Belarusian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation conducted an introductory tour for students of the Minsk State Polytechnic College who arrived at the archive for industrial technological practice.

Industrial and technological practice is part of the basic educational program of higher professional education and aims to deepen, consolidate, and systematize the knowledge gained by students (interns) in the process of studying theoretical courses of the direction.

During the tour, the archivist of the Department of information and use of documents, N.A.Gornostaev, told about the history of the BGANTD and its structure, about the composition and features of document storage. The students also visited the archive departments and learned about the specifics of their work.


During the tour
During the tour
During the tour