Conducting a seminar for representatives of the Shklov District Executive Committee by the institution «State Archives of the Mogilev Region»

On 01.08.2028, archivists of the department of acquisition of the National Archival Fund and office work of the state archive held a seminar on the topic «Archival legislation of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage (with amendments and additions)» for employees of the documentation services of the Shklov District Executive Committee and district organizations that are sources of acquisition of the institution «State Archives of the Mogilev Region». The seminar was organized by the state archive jointly with the Shklov District Executive Committee on the basis of the district executive committee.

During the seminar, changes in the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus governing archival affairs and office work were discussed. Particular attention was paid to the new version of the Instruction on office work in government agencies and other organizations. In particular, the composition of the documentation covered by the Instruction, the compilation of the nomenclature of files, the storage periods of documents, the formation of files, the design of covers, the compilation of inventories of files, the conditions for storing documents and files on paper media, as well as documents in electronic form, the verification of the availability and status of files and other relevant issues.

State archive specialists answered questions from representatives of organizations.

The attention of the participants was drawn to the need to subscribe to the industry scientific and practical journal «Archives and Records Management».


1 Representatives of organizations during the seminar.
2 Speech by leading archivist G.V. Kudina.