«Time has chosen us!» «Zonal State Archive in Molodechno», as part of the regional youth forum, presented a mobile exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders

Regional sports and cultural event «Time has chosen us!» united young specialists from the Central region in Molodechno. The youth forum was held as part of Youth and Students Day. The program included sports, entertainment and educational events. The thematic section was presented by the Main Department of Justice of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee: legal advice was organized by lawyers and lawyers, a mobile exhibition was presented dedicated to the stages of the liberation of Molodechno from the Nazi invaders, as well as the post-war restoration of the city. The exhibition is based on documents stored in the funds of the Zonal State Archive in Molodechno.


1. Director of the Zonal State Archive in Molodechno Inna Pudakevich, deputy head of the legal department of the Molodechno regional executive committee Ekaterina Gabrukovich, lawyers Elena Khazetdinova and Oksana Gerasimyuk at the youth forum.
2. Legal consultation is underway.
3. The young specialist asked for legal help.
4. Documentary exhibition «Towards the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).»