Film lecture hall in the Novogrudok district executive committee

On June 28, 2024, the Novogrudok District Executive Committee presented a newsreel film about the liberation of the city of Grodno, prepared by the Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo and Sound Documents as part of the project «Open Film Archive. We brought this day closer as best we could.»

Before the start of the show, the director of the institution «Zonal State Archives in Novogrudok» Alla Stepanovna Zabelinskaya spoke, who emphasized that on July 16, 1944, 8 days after the liberation of Novogrudok, during the Bialystok offensive operation, Soviet troops, suppressing powerful enemy resistance and overcoming water barriers, entered Grodno. A shootout with the enemy, fires, traces of multi-day battles – this is how the city was captured on the film of July 1944. One cannot belittle another heroic feat of Soviet citizens – they restored and rebuilt Grodno, destroyed by the war.


1. Speech by A.S. Zabelinskaya.
2. During the screening of newsreels.