The youth of BGAMLI took part in a solemn meeting in the Drozdy tract

On June 26, 2024, members of the primary organization of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRUM) of the Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art N. Kruchok and N. Proskurin, led by Chairman I. Lobovich, took part in a ceremonial meeting in honor of the opening of the «Digital Star» and the landing Alley «Apple Trees of Victory» together with Rossotrudnichestvo in the Drozdy tract.

2–3 km from Minsk, near the village of Drozdy, on the territory of the Krupskaya state farm, in July 1941, the Nazi invaders organized the Drozdy concentration camp for Soviet prisoners of war and civilian internees. The area of the concentration camp was 9 hectares and there were about 100 thousand prisoners of war and 40 thousand civilians. At this place, prisoners of war and civilians of Minsk and surrounding villages (about 10 thousand people) were shot.

A memorial was erected at the site of the mass grave, on which the saying inscription was written in gold letters: «No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.»

In honor of those who never returned, the event participants planted the first trees to create the «Apple Trees of Victory» alley. The memory of the victims was honored with a minute of silence, and flowers were laid at the memorial.

This event is important for the patriotic and moral education of young people. Historical memory and careful attitude towards it is the little that we can do today to preserve information about the tragic events of that time for descendants. This memory is intended to leave the glorious names of war heroes in the history of Belarus, to help raise a worthy young generation, true citizens and patriots.


1. Lobovich I. and Kruchok N. during a solemn meeting near the memorial in Drozdy
2. Lobovich I. and Kruchok N. at a gala event in Drozdy
3. During the planting of trees to create the «Apple Trees of Victory» alley