BStAMLA: On the 100th anniversary of Vasilya Bykov

June 19, 2024, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the birth of a prose writer, publicist, playwright, people’s writer Belarus, Vasil Vladimirovich Bykov (06/19/1924-, employees of the Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Arts (hereinafter-Bggli) are joined To the honesty of the iconic figure of Belarusian and world literature.

Frontovik writer, an excellent artist of the word, Vasily Bykov brought Belarusian anti-war literature to the world level. The highest degree of artistic veracity, the depth of penetration into the secrets of folk and human psychology brought the works of Bykov absolute recognition among readers of different countries. The human dimension of military events – through the pain, the death of friends, the tension of the battle, the groans and the cries of the wounded – makes Bykov’s prose understandable and close at all times.

Bgamli stores the writer’s fund rich in documents (No. 165), which attracts the attention of researchers, journalists and the public. The most interesting documents (photographs, letters, publications, scenarios, manuscripts of the works of V.Bykov, lifetime and the latest editions of his books, etc.) are presented at the exhibition «Alone with Eternity», specially prepared for the anniversary of the writer.

Documents of the Foundation Vasilya Bykov were used to create a documentary «Fate measured us prohibitive», for which the filmmakers expressed gratitude to Baggli and personally to the director Elena Aleksandrovna Makarenko. The film was shown in the first minutes of the anniversary day – June 19, 2024.


Photo: BGAMLI_LA_165_2_102_004