The director of the institution «State Archives of the Gomel Region» took part in the International scientific and practical conference «Battle for Belarus. Gomel region in 1943 – 1944»

June 13 – 14, 2024 at Gomel State University named after F.Skaryna held the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Battle for Belarus. Gomel region in 1943 – 1944», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

The conference was organized by the Main Department of Culture of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee, the educational institution «Gomel State University named after F.Skorina», the institution «Gomel Regional Museum of Military Glory».

More than 25 reports were presented at the conference. Of particular interest to the conference participants were the latest research in the following areas: «Topography of Nazi terror in the Gomel region» (Cherepko Stanislav Aleksandrovich, Dean of the Faculty of History and Intercultural Communications, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor), «269th Infantry Division in the liberation battles on the territory of Belarus in the fall 1943» (Kalinkina Tatyana Vladimirovna, leading researcher at the Bryansk State Museum of Local Lore), «White Team». Research problems» (head of the department of archeology and protection of historical and cultural heritage of the State Cultural Institution Museum «Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble»), etc.

The director of the State Archive of the Gomel Region, Andrei Nikolaevich Suschevich took part in the conference from the archival industry, who delivered a welcoming speech to the conference participants. Andrei Nikolaevich, in particular, noting that Belarus is preparing to solemnly celebrate one of the most significant holidays – the 80th anniversary of liberation from the Nazi invaders.

«Our sacred duty is to preserve the historical truth about our people, about their heroism, about the great price they paid for our peaceful life. We must remember our history to prevent the revival of fascism. Only those people who know their history, their roots can boldly step into the future, avoiding the mistakes of the past», Andrei Suschevich addressed the participants.

The conference participants were given a tour of the exhibitions of the Gomel Regional Museum of Military Glory, as well as a tour of the military-historical complex «Partisanskaya Krinichka».


1.Participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference
2. Exposition of the Gomel Regional Museum of Military Glory
3. Students of GSU named after. F.Skorins present at the plenary session