Excursion of employees of the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus around the Slonim region

On June 9, 2024, the primary trade union organization of the State Institution «National Archives of the Republic of Belarus» (hereinafter referred to as NARB) organized a tour of the sights of the Slonim region. The trip was dedicated to the archive’s birthday and International Archive Day.

Archive workers visited the most famous Orthodox monastery in Belarus in Zhirovichi (Slonim district, Grodno region), where they got acquainted with the history and current state of the monastery, examined the main monastery attractions and heard the «voice» of the largest bell in Belarus. In Zhirovichi, archivists also visited the holy spring, located in a picturesque area. From Zhirovichi, the archive workers went to Synkovichi (Zelvensky district, Grodno region), where they examined the unique Gothic defensive church of St. Michael. In Slonim, archivists got acquainted with the architectural monuments of three religious denominations – the Orthodox Transfiguration Cathedral, the Church of St. Andrew the Apostle and the Great Synagogue. At the end of the trip, the archive workers walked through the old quarters of Slonim.

The archivists got acquainted with the sights with great interest and returned to Minsk with vivid impressions and a good mood.


1. NARB workers get acquainted with the history of the Zhirovichi monastery
2. NARB workers in the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Zhirovichi Monastery
3. NARB workers in front of the Church of St. Michael in Synkovichi
4. NARB workers in front of the Church of St. Michael in Synkovichi (from left to right – chief engineer V.A.Baranov, deputy director E.A. Stukanova, director A.K.Demyanyuk, assistant director E.V.Kushnova, deputy director S.V.Kulinok).
5. NARB workers during a walking tour of Slonim
6. Interior of the Church of St. Andrew in Slonim
7. Interior of the Orthodox Transfiguration Cathedral in Slonim
8. NARB workers at the monument to Lev Sapega in Slonim