Premiere screening of the documentary film «Liberation» in Brest

On May 3, 2024, in the assembly hall of the building of the main department of justice of the Brest Regional Executive Committee, the premiere screenings of the documentary film «Liberation», prepared by the Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo and Sound Documents, took place.

Among the first spectators were 3rd year students of the Faculty of History of Brest State University named after A.S.Pushkin, senior school students of the Brest Regional Lyceum named after P.M.Masherov, secondary school No.18, Brest, as well as employees of the Main Department of Justice and the State Archive of the Brest Region.

Before the start of the screenings, Anna Karapuzova, director of the State Archive of the Brest Region, made an introductory speech about the project.

As part of the film screenings, participants were presented with a banner exhibition of archival documents prepared by the State Archives of the Brest Region «There was a war… There was a victory!»


1. Director of the State Archive of the Brest Region Anna Karapuzova talks about the film
2. Students of the Faculty of History at the premiere show
3. Students of secondary school No.18 while watching a film
4. Employees of the main department of justice of the Brest Regional Executive Committee get acquainted with the exhibition «There was a war… There was a victory!»