Conducting career guidance for students of the Belarusian State University

On May 2, 2024, the National Historical Archive of Belarus was visited by students of the Faculty of History of the Belarusian State University and their teacher, Candidate of Historical Sciences Andrei Lyuby.

Leading researcher at the Department for the Use of Documents and Information Vladimir Denisov and leading archivist at the Department of Information Retrieval Systems Alena Lyubaya gave a career guidance lecture, during which they told students about the history of archival work in the Belarusian lands, the history of the Research Institute of Belarus, the composition and features of the institution’s funds, and the most significant documents , stored by the archie, as well as about the main directions of its activities. Visitors were given a tour of the archives.

The students showed great interest in the documents of the Scientific Research Institute of Belarus and actively asked questions following the lecture.


1. Employees of the NIA Belarus Vladimir Denisov and Alena Lyubaya talk about the history and main activities of the archive
2. Students of the Faculty of History of the Belarusian State University
3. Screening of a presentation on the activities of the Scientific Research Institute of Belarus
4. A.Lyubaya introduces students to the 17th century register book.
5. V.Denisov shows students a plan of the land holdings of the Wittgenstein princes
6. Demonstration of materials on the history of the Radziwill family