Presentation of the monograph «Art Collections of the Wittgenstein Princes in the Context of European Art of the 19th Century» at the National Historical Archive of Belarus

On March 19, 2024, the presentation of the first volume of the two-volume monograph «The Art Collections of the Wittgenstein Princes in the Context of European Art of the 19th Century» took place at the National Historical Archives of Belarus.

The study is devoted to the history of the formation of art collections of the Wittgenstein princes, who were the largest landowners in Belarus and Lithuania. The first volume of the book analyzes the collection of paintings.

The author of the monograph, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Policy and Management Psychology of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus Olga Nikolaevna Popko spoke to the staff of the Scientific Research Institute of Belarus.

In her speech, Olga Nikolaevna spoke in detail about the archival sources that were studied when preparing the monograph. In the course of the work, a number of documents were identified by the author in the funds of the Scientific Research Institute of Belarus.


1. Candidate of Historical Sciences Olga Popko talks about archival sources on the history of the Wittgenstein princes
2. Director of the NIA Belarus Mikhail Glushakov accepts a copy of the book from the author