On June 26, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Belarusian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs was held

At the council meeting, reports on the implementation of planned research work for the second quarter of 2024 were reviewed. Reports were made by the leaders and responsible executors of the topics: I.V. Lyutarevich, S.E. Kupriyanov, I.A. Goncharova, A.V. Tananov, A.A. Nedashkovskaya, L.M. Tsymbal, E.P. Dernovich, E.V. Shumskaya, V.S. Pozdnyakov.

The results of developments on all planned scientific topics received a positive assessment. Based on the results of the discussion of scientific problems, recommendations for further work on the topics were developed.

Active participation in the work of the council was taken by A.V. Kochetkova, Deputy Head of the Department of Records Management, Formation and Preservation of the NAF Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus, and E.A. Stukanova, Deputy Director of the NARB. They gave useful advice and made valuable comments on the projects prepared as a result of scientific research.

Additionally, at the meeting of the Academic Council, two issues were considered: «On the development of unified requirements for the preparation of organizational and administrative documents and their standardization» (information from junior researcher of the Document Management Department V.A. Barbarchuk) and on the progress of preparing a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences on the topic «Memory Policy of the Newly Independent States of Central Asia (1991 – early 2020s)» (information from junior researcher at the Department of Archeography N.A. Kosyak). During the discussion, the applicant for the academic degree was made significant comments and given useful advice on further work on his dissertation research.


1. A.V. Tananov, an intern junior researcher at the archival department, makes a report.
2. Participants in the meeting of the Academic Council