A workshop “Changes in records management procedures in the light of the new Instruction on records management in government institutions”, 8 April 2009, Minsk

A one-day workshop “Changes in records management procedures in the light of the new Instruction on records management in government institutions” will be held on 8 April 2009 at the Belarusian Research Institute of Records Management and Archival Studies (BelNIIDAD) in Minsk.
It is intended for employees at records management offices, personnel and legal departments, and agency archives.

The workshop will address the following issues:

legislative base in records management and archive business in the Republic of Belarus and the system of state control over legislation compliance in this sphere;

changes in documenting government activities (requirements to internal normative and legal documents on records management, blank forms, requirements to records attributes and texts, formation of certain types of records etc.;
recordkeeping in the light of the new Instruction (the receipt, registration and execution of incoming and internal records, checkout procedures);

types of file classification systems and the procedures of their creation, confirmation and use in the light of the new Instruction;

changes in files creation and records appraisal;
new requirements to making inventories (file lists) in agency departments (for permanent, temporary (over 10 years) and personnel records);
procedures for transfer of records to agency archives and disposal of temporary records;
specifics of work with electronic records.

The seminars are given by V.I. Adamushko, director at the Department for Archives and Records Management of the Republic of Belarus; E.N. Davydova, head of the division of records management and the formation of the National Achival Holdings of the Republic of Belarus at this Department; A.E. Rybakov, director at the BelNIIDAD; T.V. Stolina, chief state inspector for archives and records management, and other high experts in records management and archive business.