A two-day workshop “Records Management and Agency Archives”, 8-9 October 2008, Minsk
A two-day workshop “Records Management and Agency Archives” is to be held on 8-9 October 2008 at the Belurusian Research Institute of Records Management and Archival Studies (BelNIIDAD) in Minsk.
It is intended for the employees of records management offices, personnel departments, and agency archives.
The workshop will address the following issues:
− legislation in records management and archive business in the Republic of Belarus and the system of state control in this sphere;
− common requirements to administrative records according to the STB 6.38-2004 Standard «The unified records systems in the Republic of Belarus. The system of administrative records. Requirements to paperwork» (blank forms, requirements to text of records, records attributes); drawing up of certain types of records (instructions, minutes, reports, memorandums etc.);
− recordkeeping in institutions (the concept, different schemes, the receipt, examination and registration of records, checkout procedures);
− file classification systems: types, creation, confirmation, and use;
− creation of files and records appraisal (criteria, methods, expert commissions, records schedules and disposal of temporary records);
− making and transfer of permanent records to agency archives, making of file lists and other finding aids;
− records preservation in agency archives, records access and use (requirements to storage, equipment, safety measures; performing of inquiries; loan of files for temporary use);
− electronic recordkeeping and agency electronic archives.
The seminars are given by V. Adamushko, director at the Department for Archives and Records Management of the Republic of Belarus; E. Davydova, division head for records management and the formation of the National Achival Holdings of the Republic of Belarus at this Department; V. Nosevich, director at the Belarusian Research Center for Electronic Records; A. Rybakov, director at the BelNIIDAD; T. Stolina, chief state inspector for archives and records management, and other experts in records management and archive business, authors of normative acts, guidances and regulations.
The application deadline is October 7, 2008 at tel./fax: +375 (17) 286 75 19