Staff training to protect employees and ensure the sustainability of the institution was held in the Central Laboratory

A staff training session was successfully held at the state institution «Central Laboratory for Ensuring the Preservation of Documents of the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Belarus» aimed at practicing techniques and methods for protecting employees, as well as ensuring the sustainability of the organization in the event of a threat or occurrence of an emergency situation related to chemical contamination.

The event took place as part of the implementation of the plan for civil defense and protection from emergencies of the Partizansky District Department of Emergency Situations. The main goal of the training was to improve the skills of personnel in quickly responding to possible threats, as well as checking the readiness of the institution to act in emergency situations.

During the training, chemical contamination conditions were simulated, which required employees to promptly perform tasks to organize the notification of personnel about the occurrence of an emergency, organize the work of the PPE distribution point, and carry out work to seal the SDN.

As a result of the training, the readiness of the institution to promptly respond to emergency situations was confirmed. The laboratory management noted the importance of regularly holding such events to maintain a high level of security and protection of both employees and archival documents.

«Conducting a staff training exercise is not only a test of our capabilities, but also an important step in strengthening the safety culture among employees. We must be prepared for any situation to ensure the safety of the documents of the National Archival Fund and the safety of our colleagues», emphasized the director of the laboratory V.L.Klyuiko.


1. Director of the laboratory V.L.Klyuiko (left), Deputy Director S.I.Mezga (center) setting tasks for the heads of the structural divisions of the laboratory during a staff training exercise
2. Deputy Director S.I.Mezga (left) and Lead Engineer-Technologist K.N.Tyushkevich (right) explain to the participants of the staff training the procedure for action upon receiving the signals «Attention everyone!», «Chemical alarm!»
3. Leading engineer-technologist K.N.Tyushkevich (in the background) explains to the participants of the staff training the procedure for using a gas mask
4. Training in the deployment of a point for issuing PPE during the introductory exercise «Threat of chemical contamination»
5. Leading engineer-technologist K.N.Tyushkevich (on the right) shows the participants of the staff training the procedure for sealing a room in case of chemical contamination