Creative initiatives: in Molodechno, on the eve of the holiday of the Archivist’s Day, a primary organization of the Republican Public Association «Belaya Rus» was created

On the eve of the Archivist’s Day, a ceremonial meeting was held in the ZGA in Molodechno. The institution was visited by the active members of the district organization of the Republican Public Association «Belaya Rus». Its chairperson Marina Shchiglo presented the decision of the Molodechno District Executive Committee on the registration of the primary organization of the Republican Public Association «Belaya Rus» and membership cards to its new members. Speaking to the staff, the public leader noted the importance of the archival industry: «Archives are the memory of history. In our time, when the desire to rewrite history is so obvious, these words acquire special meaning. After all, only reliable information from primary sources allows us to draw attention to historical facts and confirm their authenticity.»

Marina Shchiglo expressed sincere gratitude and deep respect to the competent and dedicated specialists who, with their work, ensure the acquisition, storage and use of documents of the National Archival Fund. Marina Nikolaevna also presented a letter of gratitude to the director of the institution, Inna Zenonovna Pudakevich, who has been an active member of the public association since 2015.

Inna Zenonovna noted: «Registration of the primary organization of the ROO «Belaya Rus» in the archive opens up new opportunities for work, allowing us to implement creative initiatives for the benefit of Belarusian society, and strengthens our common desire for development and prosperity.»

Representatives of the workforce were also awarded – Elena Aleksandrovna Tomkovich (Gratitude from the Main Department of Justice of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee) and Ilona Gerasimovna Kutas (Gratitude from the Minsk Regional Organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Employees of State and Other Institutions).


1. Chairman of the Molodechno District Organization of the ROO «Belaya Rus» M. Shchiglo presents a Letter of Gratitude to the Director of the Institution «Zonal State Archive in Molodechno» I. Pudakevich
2. M. Shchiglo presents a membership card of the ROO «Belaya Rus» to the Head of the Department of Document Preservation, State Registration and NSA O. Dvoretskaya
3. Head of the Department of Document Use and Publication E. Tomkovich with Gratitude from the Main Department of Justice of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee
4. Head of the Department of Records Management and Formation of the National Archival Fund I. Kutas with Gratitude from the Minsk Regional Organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Employees of State and Other Institutions
5. Decision of the Molodechno District Executive Committee on registration of the organizational structure of the public association