Holding a professional meeting of heads of state archival institutions at the National Historical Archives of Belarus

On October 3, 2024, a professional meeting of heads of state archival institutions was held at the National Historical Archives of Belarus, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the presidency on the topic «The modern path of development of the archival industry of Belarus».

The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Kot, Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Voinov, Deputy Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Aleksey Tsvetkov, heads of structural divisions for archives and records management of regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee, heads of republican archival institutions, regional and zonal state archives, territorial archival institutions.

Before the event, the participants got acquainted with the exhibition «Archives – the memory of the people, its documentary heritage ..». Deputy Director of the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus Svyatoslav Kulinok spoke about the main stages of the development of archival affairs in Belarus from the early 1920s to the present. Particular attention was paid to strengthening the material and technical base of archives at the present stage, the participation of archival institutions of the Republic of Belarus in the patriotic education of youth, research and publishing activities of the archives of Belarus over the past years.

Head of the Department of Research and Publishing Activities of the National Historical Archives of Belarus Sergei Ryndin presented to the guests unique and especially valuable archival documents from the funds of the NIA of Belarus. The participants of the event were shown ancient privileges and charters of the late 14th-17th centuries, the Slutsk inventory of 1642, an album of family portraits of the Radziwill princes of the 18th century, Vatican bulls and a Jewish Torah of the late 19th-early 20th centuries. Among the presented materials was also the oldest document of the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Belarus – a charter of the Podolsk prince Fyodor Koriatovich to his servant Grinka dated June 20, 1391.

The participants of the event were able to visit the archive storage, the digitization sector of archival documents, the reading rooms of the NIA of Belarus and the protective structure of civil defense. The participants of the professional meeting got acquainted with the progress of repair work in the archive.

During the professional meeting in the conference hall, Deputy Minister of Justice Oleg Kot made a welcoming speech. In his speech, O.Kot described the main areas of activity of the archival industry of Belarus. It was noted that, according to the expert assessment of the Ministry of Economy, the fulfillment of the target indicators of the State Program «Culture of Belarus» for 2021-2023 was recognized as highly effective. O. Kot congratulated the archivists on their professional holiday and wished them to continue their work with such an assessment.

Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice Oleg Voinov in his speech spoke about the implementation of the main tasks facing state archival institutions: acquisition, preservation of documents and their use. O. Voinov spoke in detail about the measures taken thanks to state support to repair archive buildings and equip them with modern equipment. It was emphasized that the successful work of archives is impossible without an appropriate material and technical base. In the final part of his speech, O. Voinov presented to the participants of the event a short documentary film «On the Presidential Path», prepared for the 30th anniversary of the presidency as part of the joint project of the Belarusian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents and the Television News Agency «In Open Access».

During the professional meeting, the following spoke:

– Deputy Director of the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus Svyatoslav Kulinok with a report «On the organization of work on the preservation of historical memory in publishing and exhibition projects»;

– Director of the Belarusian State Film and Photo Archives Andrei Gonchar with a report «On the work being carried out to implement the instructions of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus regarding the organization of the use of film and photo documents during the implementation of the «Biography of My Country» project, as well as the preparation and promotion of documentary films created by the archive»;

Director of the State Archives of the Brest Region Anna Karapuzova with a report «On the organization of the work of the institution «State Archives of the Brest Region» and the progress of fulfilling the target indicators of the State Program «Culture of Belarus»;

Director of the Zonal State Archives in Zhlobin Galina Dudareva with a report «On the organization of work in the archival institution and the progress of fulfilling the target indicators of the State Program «Culture of Belarus».

During the professional meeting, 26 employees of state archival institutions were awarded for exemplary performance of official duties, high professionalism, significant personal contribution to the implementation of the tasks assigned to the archival industry, and in connection with the Day of the Archivist by the order of the Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management. The final part of the event program was a festive concert for the Day of the Archivist, prepared by students and teachers of Secondary School No.27 in Minsk.

For joint fruitful work and interaction in the implementation of the tasks assigned to the archival industry, O.Voinov announced gratitude to the director of the school Marina Mikhailichenko from the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus and presented a memorable gift – the book «Operation Bagration. Partisans of the Belarusian Land» from the series «Library of the Union State», prepared by the Standing Committee of the Union State.


1. Demonstration of unique and especially valuable documents of the NIA of Belarus to the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Kot, Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Voinov and Director of the NIA of Belarus Mikhail Glushakov
2. Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Kot, Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Voinov and Director of the NIA of Belarus Mikhail Glushakov inspecting the exhibition «Archives – the memory of the people, their documentary heritage ..».
3. Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Kot, Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Voinov and Director of the NIA of Belarus Mikhail Glushakov in the sector of digitization of archival documents of the NIA of Belarus
4. Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Kot, Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Voinov and Director of the NIA of Belarus Mikhail Glushakov in a protective structure Civil Defense
5. Head of the Department for Preservation of Documents and Funds Galina Kutukova shows the archive storage to Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Kot and Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Voinov
6. Head of the Department of Research and Publishing Activities Sergei Ryndin introduces the participants of the event to the oldest documents from the funds of the NIA of Belarus
7. Deputy Director of the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus Svyatoslav Kulinok presents the participants of the event the exhibition «Archives – the memory of the people, its documentary heritage ..».
8. Inspection of the reading room of the NIA of Belarus
9. In the protective structure of Civil Defense
10. Welcoming speech by Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Kot
11. Speech by Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Voinov
12. Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Kot, Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Voinov, Deputy Director of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Aleksey Tsvetkov, Director of the National Information Agency of Belarus Mikhail Glushakov
13. Presentation of the publications of the National Information Agency of Belarus to Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Oleg Kot
14. Report of the Deputy Director of the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus Svyatoslav Kulinka
15. Report of the Director of the Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo, and Sound Documents Andrei Gonchar
16. Report of the Director of the State Archives of the Brest Region Anna Karapuzova
17. Report of the Director of the Zonal State Archive in Zhlobin Galina Dudareva
18. Participants of the professional meeting
19. Awarding of the Certificate of Honor of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus to the chief accountant of the institution «Belarusian Research Institute of Document Science and Archival Affairs» I.I.Antoshina
20. Awarding of the Honorary Diploma of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus to the chief accountant of the State Institution «National Historical Archives of Belarus» G.Ya.Goloviy
21. Awarding of the Honorary Diploma of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus to the deputy director for main activities of the State Institution «Minsk City Archives» T.I.Telyak
22. Awarding of the Honorary Diploma of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus to the head of the sector for work with users of the department for the use of documents and information of the State Institution «National Historical Archives of Belarus» O.V. Rasskazova
23. Awarding of the Honorary Diploma of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus to the leading economist of the institution «Belarusian Research Institute of Document Science and Archival Affairs» M.V. Chukovich
24. Announcement of gratitude from the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus to the Director of the State Institution «Molodechno District Archive» A.V. Kumenko
25. Announcement of gratitude from the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus to the Director of the State Institution «Lepel District Archive» E.G. Makarskaya
26. Announcement of gratitude from the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus to the Senior Researcher of the Department of Documentation of the Institution «Belarusian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs» L.M. Tsymbal
27-29. At the festive concert at Secondary School No.27 in Minsk
30. Announcement of gratitude from the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus to the Principal of the School Marina Mikhailichenko
31. Presentation of the book «Operation Bagration» to the Principal of the School Marina Mikhailichenko. Partisans of the Belarusian Land»
32. Participants of the professional meeting at the festive concert