Participation of BGAMLI in an online meeting dedicated to Ales Adamovich

On September 5, 2024, the director of the institution «Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art» (hereinafter – BGAMLI) E.A. Makarenko and a veteran of the archive-museum, former head of the department of scientific description of personal documents, honorary archivist of Belarus V.E. Danekina took part in an online conversation dedicated to the writer, screenwriter, doctor of philological sciences, professor Alexander Mikhailovich Adamovich, organized on the basis of the Municipal Library of the Nizhny Novgorod District of Nizhny Novgorod.

The event was held as part of the action «Dialogue of Cultures – the Path to Spiritual Mutual Understanding of Peoples.»

During the online conversation, E.A. Makarenko spoke about the history and main areas of activity of the BGAMLI, in particular about the work on collecting, storing and popularizing funds of personal origin.

V.E. Danekina shared her memories of friendship with the family of the Belarusian writer, screenwriter, critic Alexander Mikhailovich Adamovich. Particular attention was paid to the biographical information of the writer, who lived through the partisan experience as a teenager and never got rid of the horror of war that settled in his soul. A.M. Adamovich forever remembered how the partisans, putting dirt in a handkerchief, squeezed water out of it, how they melted the skin of the aircraft and made spoons from it, how they got their own weapons, removing them from a dead enemy. But he survived. He became the greatest pacifist and humanist. He saw, felt, lived through the most painful pages of our history so deeply and piercingly that he became not just a writer and publicist, but a person about whom it is customary to say «the conscience of the nation».

The online conversation gives the opportunity to get to know the work of A.M. Adamovich, the author of famous books about the war «War under the Roofs», «Sons Go to Battle», «Khatyn Story», «I am from a Fiery Village» (co-authored with Yanka Bryl and Vladimir Kolesnik), etc.

Details of the meeting at the link.


Photo 1. Director of the institution «Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art» E.A. Makarenko and honorary archivist of Belarus V.E. Danekina during an online meeting organized at the Municipal Library of the Nizhny Novgorod District of Nizhny Novgorod
Photo 2. E.A. Makarenko and V.E. Danekina during an online conversation «Remembering Adamovich…» as part of the action «Dialogue of Cultures – the Path to Spiritual Mutual Understanding of Peoples».