BGAKFFD: On the participation of archive workers in the national holiday of Belarus – Independence Day

On July 3, in the city of Dzerzhinsk, ceremonial events and public festivities took place dedicated to the state holiday of Belarus – Independence Day, which this year is marked by an anniversary – the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the republic from the Nazi invaders. Independence Day is a special symbol of national pride and glory, the personification of the unity and cohesion of people, fortitude, loyalty to the Fatherland and the traditions of the Belarusian people.

On July 3, from 12.00 to 21.00, employees of the institution «Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo and Sound Documents» (hereinafter referred to as BGAKFFD) presented the exhibition «Women’s Image of War» on 8 stands, dedicated to women who stood next to men to defend their Motherland. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet women fought bravely at the fronts and behind enemy lines. They were pilots and sailors, intelligence officers and radio operators, machine gunners and snipers, military doctors and medical instructors, partisans and underground fighters. Millions of women have suffered to the fullest while living in enemy-occupied territory. Women had to endure all the hardships of wartime on an equal basis with men. With their heroism they forever left their significant mark on our history. For courage and bravery shown during the Great Patriotic War, 90 women were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 10 of them Belarusians.

Guests and visitors were also able to get acquainted with photographic equipment and various types of film, video and sound document carriers used in the past – cameras, video cassettes, magnetic tape, positive and negative photographic film.

We, Belarusians, will never forget the feat of our people during the war, we will preserve and pass on important life values to our children and will make every effort for the further development and prosperity of our native country.


1. T.V.Arinovich, deputy head of the quality control department, introduces exhibition visitors to the exhibits. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
2. Exhibition of the state archive of film, photo and sound documents at the Independence Day holiday in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
3. Parade on Independence Day in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
4. Chairman of the Dzerzhinsky District Executive Committee M.Lysenko, Deputy Chairman O.Ignatova, Deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly I.Kostevich and other guests of the Independence Day holiday in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
5. G.I.Manchorova, deputy head of the department for ensuring the safety of the department and funds. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
6. Exhibition «Female Image of War» of the state archive of film, photo and sound documents at the Independence Day holiday in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
7. Parade on Independence Day in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
8. Exhibition composition of weapons of the Republic of Belarus. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
9. Visitors to the exhibition of the state archive of film, photo and sound documents at the Independence Day holiday in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
10. Guests of the exhibition of the state archive of film, photo and sound documents at the Independence Day holiday in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
11. T.V.Arinovich, deputy head of the quality control department, introduces exhibition visitors to the exhibits. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
12. Visitors to the exhibition of the state archive of film, photo and sound documents at the Independence Day holiday in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
13. T.V.Arinovich, deputy head of the quality control department, introduces exhibition visitors to the exhibits. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
14. G.I.Manchorova, deputy head of the department for ensuring the safety of the department and funds, introduces guests to the archive exhibition. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
15. Visitors to the exhibition of the state archive of film, photo and sound documents at the Independence Day holiday in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
16. Visitors to the exhibition of the state archive of film, photo and sound documents at the Independence Day holiday in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
17. Chairman of the Dzerzhinsky district executive committee M.Lysenko, deputy chairman O. Ignatova, deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly I. Kostevich with guests of the Independence Day holiday in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
18. Visitors to the exhibition of the state archive of film, photo and sound documents at the Independence Day holiday in Dzerzhinsk. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.
19. Fireworks in Dzerzhinsk on Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus. July 3, 2024. BGAKFFD.