BStAMLA: Virtual exhibition «Called to Belarus. Aperatsiya «Bagratsion» (for the Day of Independence of the Republic of Belarus)»

On July 2, 2024, a virtual exhibition entitled the Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art bagratsijon-da-dnya-nezalezhnastsi-respubliki-belarus ” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”> «Liberation of Belarus. Operation «Bagration» (to the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus)»

The exhibition is dedicated to a significant historical event during the Great Patriotic War – one of the largest strategic offensive operations carried out with the aim of defeating the Nazi Army Group Center and liberating Belarus. Operation Bagration began several days ahead of schedule: it was necessary to support the partisans, against whom punitive and regular units of the Nazi occupiers acted.

On June 22, 1944, Soviet troops conducted reconnaissance in force, and already on the 23rd, the main attack groups of the Red Army went on the offensive. In just over two months of Operation Bagration, the Red Army pushed back the once powerful Army Group Center to the west by 550-600 kilometers. In addition to the liberation of our republic, a significant part of Lithuania, parts of Latvia and the eastern regions of Poland were cleared of the enemy. And also the conditions have been created for the further advance of the Red Army into German territory.

The virtual exhibition presents unique photographs related to this period in the history of Belarus.
The organizers of the exhibition hope that it will attract the attention of a wide audience and help preserve and pass on to future generations the memory of the feat of the Belarusian people during the war.

Virtual exhibition «Liberation of Belarus. Operation «Bagration» (to the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus)» is available online on the official website of the archive-museum.