On June 28, 2024, an international historical and archival teleconference took place between Vitebsk and Volgograd «There is an ancient city on the Dvina», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Vitebsk region from the Nazi invaders

The organizers of the event were: from the Republic of Belarus – the State Archive of the Vitebsk Region, from the Russian Federation – the State Archive of the Volgograd Region.

Director of the State Archive of the Volgograd Region A.I.Kolomytkin addressed the participants of the teleconference with welcoming words, Deputy Chairman of the Volgograd City Duma T.P.Golovacheva, Chairman of the Volgograd city public organization «Community of Belarusians» V.S.Zinovich and Director of the State Archive of the Vitebsk Region T.M.Svistunova. The latter thanked the Volgograd side for their initiative in organizing the event and noted that «modern technologies provide the opportunity for interaction, regardless of the distance of one and a half thousand kilometers».

The teleconference was attended by 11 speakers from Vitebsk and 8 from Volgograd and other regions of Russia. Most of the reports presented dealt with topics related to the events of the Great Patriotic War.


1. Director of the State Archive of the Vitebsk Region T.M.Svistunova welcomes the participants of the teleconference.
2-3. Representatives of Vitebsk during a teleconference.