On conducting a memory lesson by specialists of the zonal state archive in Kobrin for students of the labor camp of secondary school No. 7 in Kobrin

On June 20, 2024, as part of the «Archives for School» campaign, the zonal state archive in Kobrin was visited by students of the labor camp of secondary school No. 7 in Kobrin.

On the eve of the Day of National Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War and the genocide of the Belarusian people, archivists conducted a lesson «Memory and pain of the Belarusian land.»

Schoolchildren were shown archival documents testifying to the genocide of civilians in Kobrin and the region; photo documents of memorial sites of mass executions of civilians, eyewitness memories of the occupation regime during the Great Patriotic War, published in local media, are presented.

At the end of the memory lesson, the students were given a quiz «You Can’t Forget! You can’t be silent!»


1. Students during a memory lesson
2. Demonstration of a quiz for schoolchildren
3. Students answer quiz questions