«Memory is stronger than time». On the eve of May 9 in the «Zonal State Archives of Molodechno» organized a dialogue platform and screening of the film «Liberation»

On May 6, 2024, an excursion took place in the Zonal State Archives of Molodechno for 3rd year students of the specialty «Jurisprudence» of the Molodechno Trade and Economic College of the Belkoopsoyuz. The children were introduced to the history of the archive and the most interesting documents. The students also visited the archives and assessed the conditions of their storage. The event ended with a film lecture «Memory is stronger than time» with a screening of the film «Liberation», prepared by the team of the Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo and Sound Documents as part of the project «Open Film Archive. We brought this day closer as best we could», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders. Students saw a documentary picture of the troubles and destruction brought to our land by the invaders. The film contains a panorama of the offensive operation «Bagration» and the military operations of the Red Army: attacks and volleys of «Katyushas», street battles and the formation of rivers, guerrilla warfare. Students, in an open dialogue format, shared their impressions of viewing the picture, noted the importance of preserving historical truth, and expressed the opinion that the memory of the war is a reminder to young people of the cost at which peace on earth was won.


1. Students before excursions
2. During the demonstration of documents
3. Students in the archives
4. Head of department Tomkovich E.A. introduces the press release for the film «Liberation»