BGAMLI took part in a scientific and practical seminar «Tools for attracting new visitors to the literary museum»

On April 30, 2024, leading archivist of the department of information, publication and use of documents of the Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art K.V.Tsinkevich took part in the scientific and practical seminar «Tools for attracting new visitors to the literary museum» for employees of the country’s literary museums.

The event was organized by the State Museum of the History of Belarusian Literature with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus and workers of museum institutions. The purpose of the seminar was to summarize the experience of domestic literary museums in the direction of modern approaches to organizing museum activities to attract visitors. The speakers’ topics covered the following problem areas:

• literary museums: development trends and forms of cooperation;
• cultural heritage museum and literary museum;
• activities of the literary museum in modern conditions;
• traditions and innovations of the literary museum;
• use of new technologies in museum activities.

In his report «Expanding the creative capabilities of the museum: the use of new technologies, interest and involvement of modern youth» K.V.Tsinkevich expressed her opinion on the need to use new museum technologies in the conditions of fierce competition between the modern Belarusian museum and the media and entertainment establishments. The author highlights museum management, museum marketing, communication, information and educational technologies as the most important means of qualitatively improving museum activities. This approach requires the museum community of Belarus not only to study new technological achievements, but also to adapt them to existing national museum practice.


1. Scientific and practical seminar «Tools for attracting new visitors to the literary museum»
2. During the speech K.V.Tsynkevich
3. Participants of the scientific and practical seminar