The official archives of the city of Navagrudka mark the 60th anniversary

On November 10, 2023, employees of the Zonal State Archives in Novogrudok celebrated the 60th anniversary of the archival institution, the history of which began in 1963, when, on the basis of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Byelorussian SSR «On measures to improve archival work in the Byelorussian SSR» on the basis of liquidated The Novogrudok and Slonim regional archives created a branch of the state archive of the Grodno region in Novogrudok.

On the holiday, veterans of the archival industry of Novogrudok, current archivists and workers, and guests gathered in the foyer of the archive. Director Alla Stepanovna Zabelinskaya addressed those present with a welcoming speech, who recalled important pages in the history of the formation of the archival institution, spoke about the current stage of development of the state archive, the achievements and undertakings of the new generation of archivists. The opening of the Board of Honor and the Book of Glory took place in a solemn atmosphere, and awards were presented to the archivists.

The interest of those present was aroused by the photo exhibition prepared for the anniversary, presenting the activities of the archive in different periods of its existence.

On this day, all veterans received memorable gifts.