About the visit of the Deputy Chairman of the Jewish Religious Association in the Republic of Belarus A.P.Livshits to the National Historical Archive of Belarus

On May 30, 2023, as part of the events of the Year of Peace and Creation proclaimed in the Republic of Belarus, the National Historical Archives of Belarus was visited by the Deputy Chairman of the Jewish Religious Association in the Republic of Belarus Artur Livshits.

During the visit, Deputy Director of the NIA of Belarus Maxim Makarov told A.P.Livshits about the history and funds of the institution, as well as the specifics of its activities and the main areas of work. Vladimir Denisov, Leading Researcher of the Department for the Use of Documents and Information, conducted a tour of the archives, where he acquainted A.P. Livshits with a number of unique documents, as well as samples of sources on Jewish genealogy, which are stored in the archive. Then A.P. Livshits was given the opportunity to get acquainted in more detail with the original documents of the 18th–20th centuries. on the history of Jewish communities and the Jewish religious community in the Belarusian lands, which have been identified in recent years.

The archive staff paid special attention to the fact that for centuries Belarus remained a country where representatives of different peoples and different faiths lived peacefully, and all of them had the opportunity for free development and creative work.


V.N.Denisov introduces A.P. Livshits with documents of the NIA of Belarus
V.N.Denisov introduces A.P. Livshits with documents of the NIA of Belarus
V.N.Denisov conducts for A.P. Livshits tour of the archives of the NIA of Belarus
V.N.Denisov conducts for A.P. Livshits tour of the archives of the NIA of Belarus